…”Let us move from silence to open dialogue, from stigma to understanding, and from despair to hope. Every conversation we have and every hand we extend in support devoid of judgment and reproach, brings us closer to a Ghana where suicide is no longer a silent crisis.” Chief Executive, Mental Health Authority.


The Purple Month

In a significant move towards promoting mental health well-being, the Mental Health Authority of Ghana, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and various stakeholders, has designated May as "Purple Month," dedicated to mental health awareness.This initiative places Ghana in line with other countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, which also observe May for similar purposes.Prof. Pinaman Appau, CEO of the Mental Health Authority, emphasised the need for extended awareness beyond the traditional World Mental Health Day observed on October 10th.

"A single day is not enough to address the complex issues surrounding mental health. By expanding our focus to the entire month, we can make a more substantial impact," said Prof. Appau.Previously, Ghana faced challenges with October's overlapping observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which diluted the focus on mental health issues.The shift to May is strategic, avoiding conflicts and maximizing the impact of the awareness campaign.Ghana's Purple Month is inspired by Mental Health America's initiative started in 1949. Prof. Appau noted, "We are adopting a model that has shown great success in other nations. Our goal is to boost mental health awareness, combat stigma, and celebrate recovery, making a genuine difference in the lives of Ghanaians."Why Purple?Purple has been the emblematic colour of the Mental Health Authority since its inception. It symbolizes a blend of the calming stability of blue with the vibrant energy of red.This colour choice reflects the Authority's commitment to providing hope and support to those affected by mental health conditions."Purple stands for dignity, peace, and independence, all of which are critical in the context of mental health," Prof. Appau explained.The Significance of Purple MonthMental health awareness is crucial for the holistic well-being of individuals across various dimensions of life.Unfortunately, stigma and lack of understanding often prevent people from seeking necessary help, leaving them isolated and reducing their life quality and productivity.Purple Month seeks to change that by advancing mental health treatment and behavioural health education."We aim to foster dialogue, encourage proactive approaches to mental health, and ensure early intervention," stated Prof. Appau.This year’s theme is: “Movement: Moving for Our Mental Health.”According to Prof Appau, the campaign aims to increase awareness about the significance of mental health and the beneficial impact of physical activity on psychological well-being.Dr. Pinaman Appau explained further that more than 2.3 million Ghanaians experience mental health disorders, and this makes awareness, education, and support for mental health advocacy important now, than ever.“In keeping with the Authority's mission to raise awareness among the general public, elevate the voices of mental health service users and caregivers, and fight for the rights and needs of individuals impacted, this month-long campaign also exhorts people to include movement in their daily lives as a means of promoting mental wellness,” she added.

Prof. Pinaman Appau

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